Thank you for your interest in the NMSU TRIO Programs!  Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible.  You cannot save and restart this application.  You may want to review the included items, take some time to make notes and gather the required documents, and then return to submit your application.

Student / Applicant Information:
What TRIO Program or Programs are you applying for? *
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name
Preferred Name
Gender *
Are you a United States Citizen? *
If you are NOT a citizen, please upload proof (USA resident card/passport) showing legal immigration status in the United States:
Place of Birth *
Date of Birth *
Mailing Address *
Mailing Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Student's Mobile Phone Number: *
Student's Email *

Academic Information:
Current Grade Level *
What School are you currently attending? *
Current Age *
What is your anticipated Graduation Year *
Student ID *
What is your current GPA?
Have you Passed the New Mexico State Math Assessment
Have you Passed the New Mexico State Reading Assessment
What type of assistance are you seeking from Educational Talent Search?
What is your career goal after High School?

Parent / Guardian Information:
Who does the student live with? *
If you chose "other" above, please tell us who student lives with:
Are your parents deceased? *
Mother's Name
Mother's Email
Mother's Mobile Phone Number:
What is the Mother's Education Level (highest education)?
Father's Name
Father's Email
Father's Mobile Phone Number:
What is the father's Education Level (highest education)?
Legal Guardian's Name
Legal Guardian's Email
Legal Guardian's Mobile Phone Number:
Family Income Information:
Did you file taxes last year? *
If you did NOT file taxes, please state the reason:
Please indicate the amount of ANNUAL INCOME you were not required to report to the IRS:
Please indicate how many family members live in the household and that you provide support for (including yourself and spouse)? *
Please refer to last year's IRS tax form (Form 1040). What was your taxable Income (Line 15)? (if you didn't file, please answer "N/A") *
Please upload an image of last year's IRS 1040

Sign and Submit:

By signing below you are agreeing to the following:

As an applicant/participant in the New Mexico State University (NMSU) TRIO Talent Search and Upward Bound Program, I hereby give my permission to the NMSU TRIO Talent Search and Upward Bound Program staff to visit with my high school counselor/instructors, obtain information concerning my academic progress, and to receive copies of my transcript, test scores, report cards, and attendance records as long as I am an applicant/participant in the NMSU’s TRIO Talent Search  and Upward Bound Program.

By signing below, we authorize NMSU’s TRIO Talent Search and Upward Bound staff to use this form as many times as needed to complete the college preparatory program and for grant reporting purposes.  Furthermore, we also consent that this signed form be the only and primary release document used by TRIO Talent Search and Upward Bound staff to obtain my information after I graduate from high school.  Thank you for honoring our request to release any transcripts and academic information as needed. 

Furthermore, by signing below I affirm that all of the information included in this application regarding citizenship, parent educational level, and income is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Applicant Signature *
Please select a signature verification type.
Parent/Guardian Signature *
Please select a signature verification type.